Between Pearl Harbor Day and Christmas (1974)

i need 48 hours
to shut off my head
close down my body
and let somebody else
mind the store
i need a beach somewhere
it needn't be warm or comfortable
and i'd lie frozen
the high tide waters
licking at the soles of my feet
or the dark corner
of a treacly bar
the maimed and the wounded
like wingless flies
stuck and whimpering
i' m	going down to the rent-all store
and see if they stock
temporary death.

It’s almost unbelievable that it’s been 2 years since I’ve posted an update…progress has been slow due to other commitments, but I’m hoping to pick up this project once again and make some real progress.

This time of year, in the December days leading up to Christmas, can be crazy. I think this poem expresses what many of can feel when it seems like there’s so much to do…